īe sure to visit Totally Tots for this fantastic download! While the feature was written and the activity completed by Cindy, we did want to mention that the worksheet was actually created by Jolanthe of Homeschool Creations. Looking for an educational way to get outdoors and soak up the sun? Cindy, creator of the blog Along the Way and featured contributor at Totally Tots, found this simple BINGO game that will have your little explorers observing and learning about the world around them. Kids and the outdoors is the perfect place to find all the information you need about getting the kids out of the door and into nature. A fun and engaging bingo game for Regents Earth Science students This activity allows students to familiarize themselves with Pages 6, 7, and 16 of the Reference Table in a fun gameIncludes:-10 differentiated bingo sheets and answer key-Google Slides directions with bingo clues.